319 Small Watershed Focus Grant

The BSALWMP is partnering with the MPCA and EPA to work on restoration of impaired waters in the Tamarack River and Minnewawa Lakes Watershed.

This project is the first implementation project from The Tamarack River, Horseshoe, Island, & Minnewawa Lakes Subwatershed Nine Element Plan and includes the Tamarack River, Horseshoe, Island, & Minnewawa Lakes subwatersheds and their 5 impaired lakes (nutrients) and 1 impaired stream (bacteria): (Eagle – 09-0057-00, Lower Island – 09-0060-02, Upper Island – 09-0060-01, Lake Minnewawa – 01-0033-00, Horseshoe Lake – 01-0034-00 and the Tamarack River – 07010103-758).

This project works towards removing these impairments by reducing phosphorous and bacteria, focusing on four project areas: stormwater, lakeshore, farm, and forestry best management practices (BMPs).

Cost-share programs will be used to install BMPs that will result in a reduction of 48.9 lbs of phosphorous and 3,852 billion MPN/org/year. A key strategy for project implementation is education and outreach and providing technical assistance and support to watershed residents and lake associations.

Contact us if you are interested in learning more!

We’d love to partner with you, if this program can help!

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